Thursday, December 11, 2008

Interest Rates are low, looww, looowwww....

Calling all HOME BUYERS! What are you waiting for? Rates are at an all time low. Everyone, including the media (which is finally right about something), is saying we are in a buyers market. So, take advantage of it. Get all time low rates, under value homes, and steals on great properties. You couldn't have made a more perfect storm for buyers if you tried.

Calling all HOMEOWNERS! It doesn't matter if you have been in your home 90 days or 90 years, you need to look at refinancing. I have only been at my house for two years and I hopefully (fingers crossed) will be able to take my rate from the high 6%'s to the middle 4%'s. This can keep money in your pockets when you most need. Usually you get to skip a months payment when you re-finance, and closing cost typically don't cost more than one months mortgage payment. So you can get a lower payment and still not spend anymore money than you would have. Seriously, take a look at doing this.

If you need us to recommend a good lender give us a call, if not at least look at it for your benefit.

***Disclaimer. This post was written by Brad. He cannot spell or use punctuation correctly. That is why he does all of the computer and marketing stuff. So if you see any grammatical errors it is a reflection of his education not the Teams'.***

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